
The 利昂县警长’s Office (LCSO) administers a program for the employment of deputy sheriffs during off-duty hours for public and private services. 通常雇用临时代表维持秩序, 促进交通畅通, 提供安全和护送重型设备或大负荷运输. The LCSO maintains the Extra Duty Office which is responsible for the overall man年龄ment of extra-duty services.

为了雇一名副手做一项额外的工作, a request must be submitted to the Extra-Duty Coordinator a minimum five (5) working days prior to your event. 提前五(5)天通知后收到的请求, are made with the understanding that there may not be sufficient time for approval by the Extra Duty Office, 随后调任额外工作, 并得到值班警官的认可. 加班雇主是指私人雇员, 私营企业和政府机构,而不是LCSO. Compensation and/or benefits of any kind from extra-duty employers shall not constitute compensation and/or benefits from LCSO.

是否聘用临时代表,完全由民政事务局局长自行决定. We reserve the right to decline job requests that may be deemed inappropriate for deputies.

这个额外的项目完全是自愿的. 谁也不能保证你的工作要求一定会得到满足. It is the responsibility of the hiring entity to contact the Extra-Duty Coordinator during normal business hours prior to the projected start time to confirm that your job request was filled.

For officer safety, a minimum number of deputies per number of attendees at an event are required. 申请人可以要求指定代表人数, 然而, the Sheriff’s Office will make the ultimate determination as to the appropriate number of deputies required to work a specific detail and whether supervisors are required. Jobs requiring 5 or more deputies will automatically be assigned a supervisor with applicable fees.

The Sheriff’s Office reserves the right to cancel extra-duty details without notice and to recall deputies for official duty when necessary for official duty at any time. The Sheriff’s Office shall not have any responsibility nor be subject to any penalty for doing so.


Business hours: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm - Monday through Friday, excluding holidays


电子邮件: LCSOdetails@leoncountyfl.政府


We reserve the right to decline job requests that may be deemed inappropriate for deputies, 违反佛罗里达州法律或LCSO政策, 或与社办有任何利益冲突.

Areas of Extra-Duty employment that are specifically prohibited by law or policy of LCSO include, 但不限于:

  1. Employment at establishments where the primary business is the sale or consumption of alcoholic bever年龄s.
  2. 涉及保释金担保机构的就业.
  3. Investigative work for attorneys, insurance companies, collection 年龄ncies, or security firms.
  4. Employment as private security guards or private store detectives other than uniformed law enforcement related employment.
  5. 作为流程服务人员的雇佣.
  6. 在任何与车辆牵引有关的公司工作.
  7. 在另一机构从事惩教性质的工作.
  8. Any other employment that adversely affects the performance of official duties, 或造成违反佛罗里达州法规的利益冲突.
  9. Gatherings or events where alcoholic bever年龄s are sold or consumed where the primary purpose of the gathering or event is the consumption of alcoholic bever年龄s.



  • 正常费率:每名副手每小时45美元,每名监督员每小时45美元;
  • 假日房价:67美元.每小时50美元,67美元.50/小时/主管;
  • The holiday rate of pay extra-duty work will apply on the following holidays:
    • 元旦,
    • 圣诞节,
    • 复活节,
    • 阵亡将士纪念日,
    • 劳动节,
    • 七月四日,
    • 马丁·路德·金纪念日
    • Thanksgiving; or
    • 利昂县治安官办公室指定的其他假日. (e.g. 圣诞节在周六,该机构将周五定为假日. 星期五和星期六的假日价格适用.) 
  • There will be a three (3) hour minimum charge per deputy for all extra-duty details, 不管在细节上花了多少时间;
  • Cancellations may be made at any time; 然而, if the cancellation is made with less than a 24 hour notice to the extra-duty coordinator, a minimum of three hours charge per deputy contracted will be incurred by the requesting party.


    1. 请致电(850)606-3308或电邮至 LCSOdetails@leoncountyfl.政府**NOTE** Requests submitted less than three business days in advance may not be completed.
    2. 值班细节协调员将解释细节流程, 验证详细信息,获取详细信息.
    3. Each detail must be approved prior to final acceptance through the Chief of Administrative Services or his/her designee. The 利昂县警长’s Office reserves the right to refuse or cancel extra-duty work assignments that are in conflict with the law or values of the Sheriff’s Office. 此外, the Sheriff’s Office may recall the deputies for official duty when necessary for community safety.
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